Unveiling the Hidden Impact - Diabetes and Your Skin's Radiance

Unveiling the Hidden Impact – Diabetes and Your Skin’s Radiance


If you haven’t noticed already, there is a huge wave of skin problems sweeping through our country. While there are several reasons for this, one of the primary suspects in the whole operation goes unnoticed. We are talking about diabetes and how it can have a profound effect on the condition of your skin.


How Are Diabetes and Skin Health Connected?


Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide, and the numbers have been on the rise. One of the main causes is the excess consumption of sugars, but there are also hereditary factors that contribute to this.


Skin problems have more chances of affecting diabetic people. The reason is that diabetes affects small blood vessels and causes complications that result in degrading skin health. Skin problems due to diabetes are called diabetic dermopathy.


Common Skin Conditions Due to Diabetes


Diabetes can affect every part of the body, but the earliest signs are mostly exhibited on the skin. Skin health is a great barometer of how healthy the rest of the body is. Diabetic dermopathy can range from minor issues that are harmless and go away with time to major issues that need to be treated immediately.


The most common categories of diabetic-related skin issues are itching, bacterial infections, and fungal infections. While these are also prevalent in non-diabetic patients, people suffering from diabetes are prone to them.


Recognizing Early Symptoms


For a person who is suffering from diabetes, it is vital to recognize early symptoms of skin afflictions due to the disease. Here are the most common symptoms that may likely be due to diabetes –


● Itchy Skin


Dry and itchy skin is perhaps the first and most easily recognizable symptom of diabetes. It should be noted that dry skin has many causes, like changes in weather, diet, or other factors. However, in the case of a person suffering from diabetes, itchy skin is more likely to happen.


● Bacterial Infections


Bacterial infections can cause inflammation, resulting in uncomfortable pain and swelling in several areas of the body. People suffering from diabetes have a higher chance of being affected by infections as bacteria thrive in sugar-rich environments. One of the most common types of bacterial infection in diabetes-related cases is staph (staphylococcus).


● Fungal Infections


This type of infection causes itchy skin all over the body. It is accompanied by red blisters and scaly and flaky skin where the infection is present. While fungal infections can be a result of poor hygiene, people with diabetes are more likely to be affected by it.


● Acanthosis Nigricans


Another common issue in people with diabetes is this skin condition. It causes dark, almost velvet-textured skin at the back of the neck, armpits, elbows, and groin. Acanthosis Nigricans is mostly prevalent in people with diabetes and are classified as obese.


Skincare Routines for People With Diabetes


If a person has diabetes, then they need to focus on a specific skincare routine that ensures better skin health. It is vital to ensure that your skin is moisturized and take care of using a gentle, non-oily product. Oily moisturizers can cause blocked pores, resulting in itchy skin.


Showering with lukewarm and not hot water greatly improves skin health. Hot water tends to dry out your skin and cause itchiness and redness. If you must have a hot bath, remember to supplement it with a good moisturizing session after.


Opt for mild fragrance-free soaps and cleansers during your shower. Fragrant soaps tend to have a lot of added chemicals in them which tend to irritate the skin. Also, remember to dry thoroughly after showering, as moisture can lead to infections.


Consulting a Dermatologist


While natural remedies might work for some people, they might lead to even worse problems for others. If you notice unusual skin conditions and continue to have issues despite treating them, you might need the expertise of a dermatologist. Ensure that you consult an experienced dermatologist. Take your time to choose the right one based on your research online.


If you’re looking for the best dermatology medication, we can help you at Hippo Pharmacy. All you need to do is go online to our website, choose the symptoms, and order it at up to 80% discount. Choose from a range of pharmaceutical brands to suit you the best.