The Best Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss: Top 5

The Best Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss: Top 5


One of the more misunderstood opinions when it comes to weight loss is that snacking is bad. While this is true, it isn’t always something that you should keep away from. Experts say that healthy snacking has quite a positive impact on your metabolic rate. But what actually is healthy snacking? Well, the experts at Hippo Pharmacy have all the information about it, so let’s find out!


What Is Healthy Snacking and Why It’s Important


At first glance, healthy snacking seems to be an oxymoron, right? But the truth is that you can get a lot of benefits from healthy snacking. Some of the benefits of healthy snacks include steady energy levels, improved nutrient intake, and fewer chances of overeating during main meals. Healthy snacking also helps you stick to a balanced diet far easier. It also plays a huge part when it comes to keeping weight off in the long run.


Choosing the Right Weight-Loss Snacks


The most important part of a healthy snack is to choose the right ingredients to make it. The food you choose needs to be low in added sugars and should not spike your insulin levels. Foods that are high in protein and fiber are more desirable than carbs. Also, it is important to remember that this is a snack, so you need to keep your portion sizes small. Finally, if you’re snacking on anything processed, it can be detrimental to your weight loss program.


Our Top Choices for Healthy Snacking


There are hundreds of healthy combinations that can be a great snack for people. Our experts at Hippo Pharmacy have rounded up our favorites and we hope you love trying them out!


Greek Yogurt and Berries


Greek yogurt is our absolute number one of our snacks and it should be yours as well. It is high in protein while being low in calories. It also has probiotic properties that can work wonders for your gut bacteria. Adding some berries to it improves its antioxidant properties and gives it a tasty kick to the overall flavor profile.


Apple Slices


If you forget to buy anything from the supermarket, an apple slice can be a great healthy snack. Apples are high in fiber and vitamins while also having the added advantage of reducing plaque growth on your teeth. It is low in sugars and is a great low calorie healthy snack. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also add something to make it taste different like nut butter or even a bit of hot sauce!


Nuts and Seeds


Nuts are a nutrient dense package filled with all the goodness that your body needs. They have a lot of healthy fats and are a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Seeds are not as tasty as some nuts but provide an equal amount of benefits when consumed. It should be noted that since both are nutrient dense and smaller in size, there are chances you can unknowingly consume more than you need.


Hummus and Veggies


Hummus has to be one of our top favorites when it comes to snacks, and it’s so easy to make. By itself, hummus is high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals. Combining it with vegetables of your choice makes it a more crunchy alternative that is perfect for snacking. And the best part is if you’re strapped for time, you can even buy this off the shelf. Just ensure that you get a reputed brand that doesn’t use sugars or vegetable oils in them.


Cottage Cheese


If you’re looking for a snack that is the most versatile in this list it has to be cottage cheese. It is both tasty and nutritious and works with almost anything else you have in your kitchen. If you prefer something that is sweet for your snack session, pair it with fruits, nuts, and honey. For a more savory alternative, you could add tomatoes, fresh herbs, and chives. The combinations for cottage cheese are as endless as your imagination!


The above is by no means an exhaustive list when talking about healthy snacks. Hard boiled eggs, popcorn, and salads with low calories dressing are even more choices that you can use to supplement your main meals. The key to remember here is to ensure that anything you choose is low sugar and unprocessed. Let us know in the comments about your favorite healthy snack recipes!