Essential Pharmacy Tips for Medication Management

Essential Pharmacy Tips for Medication Management


An aspect of healthcare that is often overlooked is medication management. Simply put, it refers to the process of identifying, taking, and regulating medicines by patients effectively so as not to cause any harm. This is mostly applicable to patients with long-term or chronic illnesses and is necessary for the elderly.


Hippo Pharmacy has been delivering medication with huge savings for patients for many years. We have a huge range of products, along with expert guidance and support from our knowledgeable staff. Together with online shopping, you have a simple solution to all your medication needs!


Now, let’s look at a few things you need to be aware of when managing your medication.


Clarify Doubts and Ask Questions


Something people forget or don’t bother to do is ensure they ask questions. The reason could be because they believe that the healthcare provider knows what they’re doing. While that may be true, it doesn’t hurt to clarify specific things about the medication.


Dosages, time taken, potential side effects, and other specific instructions might not always be common knowledge. This is also a good time to ask your doctor or pharmacist about drug interactions if you’re already undergoing treatment.


Organize Your Medication


Taking the wrong medication can sometimes be life-threatening, and you need to take adequate precautions so that it doesn’t happen. The first step would be to clearly label medications and sort them in a container based on what you’re taking them for.


Set aside a spot in your house where you store medicines and ensure everyone who lives in the house is aware of it. It is a great idea to have your schedule in a clearly visible area, like next to your calendar or on your fridge. It’s a great idea to use a pill organizer, so you only have to worry about sorting them once a week.


Setting up Reminders


Setting reminders is the simplest way to make sure that you take your medications on time. Thankfully, with the advances in technology, there are a lot of ways where you can get reminders. If you use a mobile phone, then a mobile app can be a handy tool to ensure you never forget to take medication.


If your phone doesn’t have reminders, you can opt for daily alarms at specific times. Sticky notes are also an alternative, but the chances of you missing your medications are more. A smart pill bottle is an advanced solution that can even keep track of dosages, but it might be expensive.


Read up on Adverse Reactions


Sometimes, specific medications might tend to exhibit adverse reactions. If you’re not ready for it, it might end up doing more harm than good. The first step is to thoroughly read the instructions and precautions given with the medication.


Discuss side effects and drug interactions with your doctor or pharmacist. Ensure that you don’t keep anything from them because it could be a question of life and death! Finally, use trusted online pharmacies like Hippo Pharmacy to buy your medication.


Always Get a Second Opinion


When taking medication, especially if you’ve got a chronic condition, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion. Consult another experienced doctor in the same niche, which can give you new insights into your condition. There is a chance that they will prescribe more effective medication.


If you’re unable to physically visit a clinic, you can also opt for telemedicine services. All you need is your mobile or laptop, and you can get diagnosed right at home. You can also take this opportunity to verify your medication with a pharmacist.


Update Your Medication List


Updating the medication list is something most people should be doing, but they keep forgetting. Recording your prescriptions so you have your own medication history can give you insights into any changes in them or dosages.


It is also helpful when you’re consulting a different doctor or getting a second opinion. Ensure that you review it periodically, note any alarming differences in dosage, and communicate it to your doctor or pharmacist.


Managing medication can be challenging, but with these tips, you’re a bit closer to minimizing the risks and getting the most out of them. If you’re looking for the best quality medication at huge discounts, then Hippo Pharmacy can be your reliable online pharmacist! Check out our website to order your medication right from home!